24 thoughts on “Ambrose Amazing Free Kick 37yards Crystal Palace v Aston Villa

  1. lol I just don’t understand charlton, nice little club, I’ve nothing against them but they dream of being recognised by someone as a rival and it seems they chose us.
    I know a lot of charlton fans and they admit its embarrasing how desperate some of you are to be our main rival, move on

  2. Fucking quality, shame we drew this match and lost the replay. But Dazza never fails to amaze me, Come on you eagles!

  3. Nick uk at home yes but your away will NEVER match our numbers. Under 2k at shed weds bless. Plus your still holding your fan base from 7 yrs prem.

  4. If your just gonna come on this and just chat shit about the might Eagles you can fuck off, go and watch your own team score 35 yard goals against Villa and United oh yeah wait…

  5. I swear Charlton get more fans in league one, then palace do in the championship? Just saying, form is temporary, class is permanent. RED ARMY

  6. cooooooooooooool, wait how long were you in the premier league oh yeah thats right and what team sent you down from there oh yeah thats right CHARLTON 🙂

  7. 2-0 1-0 might be so but you still went down hahahahahahaha.

    What are you on about do you think I cant spell F**k and C**t get real!!
    so some silly Charlton Pathetic fan can report me for using foul language.
    Perhaps I’m to blame for being so polite to a fan of an L1 team who thinks they’re better than Palace 🙂 who might I add haven’t been out of the top 3 divisions for 35 years 🙂

  8. oh no look who forgot to spell when insulting me, next season we will smash like we did last time 2-0 and 1-0 so……….

  9. shala la la la la shala la la la la shala la la la la
    Who the fuk is laughing now?? 3 years in L1 I’m praying you stay there u no mark cnut

  10. looool do u think we’re rivals :L, we care about brighton and millwall. Not micky mouse clubs such as yourselves. Enjoy league 1 ;). Shalalalalala you down in league oneeee

  11. I was at this game and, not gonna lie, i didnt see the celebrations coz i was too busy going mental and falling over the people infront of me

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